Saturday, March 17, 2012


The first time I tried to watch the Kony2012 video, I x'ed out of the window at the first slow-mo shot of the earth with the melodramatic voiceover. I tried a few more times and eventually watched the entire thing with Andy. His first comment when the thirty minutes were over was "Wow, that was kind of irresponsible."

When this story broke, I'm sorry to say that my first reaction was Well, that's a surprise...but not really. A few months ago, a relative of mine had a massive manic episode that resulted in a court-ordered hospitalization. Up until that point he was the smartest, most successful person I knew in real life. He had come out of a less than ideal family situation into his own great family, until one day the stresses of his work life totally broke something in his mind, and made him go off on a very strange rampage.

I empathize a lot with Jason Russell, even though I don't know the dude and for all I know he could be some money/fame hungry right wing fundamentalist. The world is moved forward by people who are "delusional" enough to believe that they can have an impact, and it's always sad when you see someone walking the line fall on the wrong side of it. I always wish I was more of a leader, with the power to inspire others, but it's a lot easier not to be.

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