Saturday, May 26, 2012


My alternate life boyfriend, Sebastian Pringle from Crystal Fighters.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer tunes

I love that both Best Coast + Beach House came out with new albums in time for summer. I die for the Beach House, but Best Coast is kind of bumming me out. They need to evolve their sound, I feel like I've heard it all. But it still works for a barbecue!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

New project

Embarrassingly enough, we've lived without a dining table for over a year now. We live like animals, eating in front of the TV, or in front of the computer, or standing up, (or out.) Our apartment has a funny layout, so we do have a little dining area that you walk through to get to the bedroom and the living room, but without a table it's basically a big hallway and we're wasting the space. We do have chairs, and they are stacked on each other, and we're wasting them too. 

But because it's NYC, the space is stupid small, like 8 feet wide and maybe 18 feet long. We already built a shelf along one wall, and if you go too far down you get near the restroom and bedroom. So we need a table that's basically very small, like less than two feet wide and not more than 4 feet long. There are hardly any tables that small, and when there are they are still something like $4-500. Which seems like a lot to spend on what's ultimately a temporary tiny dining table (one day we'll have space, right??)

So next project idea: a hair pin leg table! I know a ton of people who have made them for super cheap so it can't be that hard. If we could make our shelf, I think we'll be OK with this. I've already started the research and I think we can do it for under $150. Will post updates on this. 

(Map project is on hold until I can find glow in the dark string.)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Alabama Shakes

A great voice.